Auditioning and changing

Sometimes, you have an idea of what colors and fabrics will work, and when you get it all cut out, you have to take a step back and make some adjustments. That’s what happened with this block.

I picked out the fabrics above, starting with the homespun plaid.

I made the units for that part of the block first, and then I cut out the rest of the fabrics. When I laid them out, this is how those originally looked, minus the top two pieces which were in the sewing machine.

Fabric placement, take 1

And I didn’t like the similar values of the pieces when I saw them cut out like this. So I started pulling other fabrics and cutting.

Fabric placement, take 2

I really wanted to use the green and tan print, because it reflected the colors in the plaid so well. But I still wasn’t happy with it, even when I pulled in some reds (which are also in the plaid) for the third round of squares. It was just too busy.

Fabric placement, final take

After trying one or two other fabrics, I settled on putting the tan teeny floral print back in the second round of squares, and I like the overall look of the block much better now. It may not matter in the grand scheme of things when I begin putting all of the blocks together (whenever that will be), but it does when just looking at this on its own.

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