Tula turquoise

One of my quilting resolutions is to stop being so precious with my Tula Pink fabrics.

“They’re so pretty sitting there, I hate to disturb them.”

“What if I use that one fabric all up, and it’s out of print, and I can’t get anymore?”

News flash: Tula is still designing new lines of fabric at the rate of 3 or so per year. I think that if I run out of a certain pattern/color, I should be able to find a comparable replacement in her new lines.

And as much as I love the all-Tula-Pink-fabric quilts, I don’t have plans for enough just-Tula-fabric quilts to even come close to using up all that I’ve bought. So I’ve started reorganizing them by color (instead of keeping each line together), and I’m pulling and using them.

My Straits of Mackinac quilt will be the aquas and turqoises that are in the model quilt, so I pulled all of these out, and I’m cutting several size strips (and strings) that will go into my quilt. And that will make the quilts I make even more joyous – that I am using these lovely fabrics instead of just petting and admiring them on the shelves. And when I give the quilts I make as gifts, other people will be able to enjoy them as well. Win-win!

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