Unity Part 3

I finished piecing Unity Part 3 over the weekend (well, yesterday morning for the little solid border). I’m glad I decided to use different colors for the center squares, as I think they really liven up the quilt. It was pretty before (parts 1 and 2), but a little flat, to me.

I logged on to begin working yesterday morning, and worked for around 45 minutes when a co-worker messaged me and asked, “So, you’re working today?” I thought it was rather odd that he would ask me that, so I went and checked the calendar. Oops. Turns out, I forgot I had scheduled another vacation day! So I wrapped up what I was working on, logged back off, and opened up my craft room. I finished up that Part 3, then started working on Part 4. It took me a while to figure out what direction I wanted to go with that, color-wise. I tossed around lots of color combinations in my head. I made a block in the colors I thought I had decided on. And when I put it up next to the quilt, I found it… lacking somewhat.

So I thought I would try an altered color combo. And when I added it to the first one, that seemed to point me in the correct direction. I plan now to have the centers all be yellows, the outer corner half square triangles all be purples, and use a variety of 5-7 colors for the middle half square triangles.

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