I decided to go ahead and make some more face masks for myself to wear with my new skirts. I’ve really only been using the same one (with ear loops instead of ties) I made previously, and it doesn’t always coordinate with the colors I’m wearing to church. I currently volunteer to help greet people before our Sunday service, since some of the people who usually did that before the outbreak haven’t been comfortable with coming back in yet or with wearing face masks. We don’t require it, but I’d say probably 85% of the people coming in wear them.
Little did I know the mayor would make an about face and make face masks mandatory in my county. Guess my decision to begin making these last weekend turned out to be a smart thing to do. I don’t get out much, but when I do, I don’t want to have to wear the same one all the time.
One benefit of this time is working from home. I get to see more of my kitties than I would if I had to drive in to the office every day. So here’s something that makes me smile. Every day I get to enjoy a quick look around the house to find out where my kitty-children are, and I often see something like my sweet boy here. Luke likes to sleep up next to my pillow on top of my pajama bottoms.

Bear always liked curling up on my nightgown; he was a sweetie.
Aww, we’ve both had such sweetie boys to love!