Trying not to start something new

I have several bags with projects in various stages of progress, so it should be easy for me to not get bored. And I’m not bored with those projects. One is so close to finishing, but is in time out because of several dropped stitches. Some are just taking a back seat to others which have my current attention. I can count at least 8 in my head that are knitting projects alone. So why is it I keep wanting to start something new? The struggle not to start a new fingering weight sweater is real, haha. Especially when I currently have a worsted/bulky weight sweater in one of those project bags.

The good news is I’m succeeding so far. I have been working on my Sojourn Falls scarf and made some good progress. I have three 50-gram balls of yarn, and have finished with the first, added in the second. I now have that 6-row-repeat of the pattern in my head so I don’t have to look at it. I love how it looks and should drape when finished – all those beads lend some nice weight to it, and the mirrored cables are just beautiful.

Protest is Patriotic shawl

I got to the end of my blue (and still have a ton of blue leftover that will go into another project, I’m certain), and started on the red and white stripes for my Protest is Patriotic shawl. At first I thought about just carrying the alternating colors up the side, but I really believe it will take away from the crispness of the design. So I’m cutting every color change and knitting and/or weaving in the ends. I ended up having to get another set of interchangeable ends for this size because the wood has a flaw – where the rings of the wood are visible on the side, one of them is separating just the tiniest bit and catching on the yarn. Not good for any yarn, but especially for a single-ply.

Now the patriotic shawl looks more patriotic!

Bavaria Leaves socks

I also dug back out a sock project I started over a year ago. I must have put it down because I was focused on finishing another fingering weight yarn sweater. (Yes, I think they are my favorite to knit and to wear!) Anyway, that just consumed all of my time, so I put the sock project away. I think I actually have 3 sock projects in progress (if I’m counting correctly in my head), so I really need to finish a couple of those before I start another one. Anyway, my first Bavaria Leaves sock is nearly finished.

Bavaria Leaves sock, working on the foot

The primary yarn I used is leftovers from my No Frills sweater. I love this tweed base, and thought the leftover autumn colored yarns from my Exploration Station shawl would look nice with it.

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