And just as I was getting ready to jump into sewing my skirts, I received another request from a different niece (who is a hairstylist) for face masks that she can wear at work. I tried Edyta Sitar’s pattern this time, and found it much easier to make. With one caveat. The t-shirt straps don’t have much give, so at the 6-inch length she recommends for the ones on the left in the photo below, mine turned out a bit too tight. Fortunately, the longer ones that you tie worked really well. I imagine if the the others used elastic instead, they would fit perfectly.
I made some for another friend who expects to be required to wear them when they return to the office as well, and I plan to drop them off to her this weekend. She requested darker fabrics (and mentioned maroon), so I hope she likes these!

Now my sewing room looks as if it was in the middle of the derecho that hit our area last week. Since I’m working on pieces of 9 skirts all at the same time, I suspect it will look like that until those are finished, and the rest of the supplies are put back in their places.