More face mask sewing

And just as I was getting ready to jump into sewing my skirts, I received another request from a different niece (who is a hairstylist) for face masks that she can wear at work. I tried Edyta Sitar’s pattern this time, and found it much easier to make. With one caveat. The t-shirt straps don’t have much give, so at the 6-inch length she recommends for the ones on the left in the photo below, mine turned out a bit too tight. Fortunately, the longer ones that you tie worked really well. I imagine if the the others used elastic instead, they would fit perfectly.

I made some for another friend who expects to be required to wear them when they return to the office as well, and I plan to drop them off to her this weekend. She requested darker fabrics (and mentioned maroon), so I hope she likes these!

Three more face masks, all with tie-on straps

Now my sewing room looks as if it was in the middle of the derecho that hit our area last week. Since I’m working on pieces of 9 skirts all at the same time, I suspect it will look like that until those are finished, and the rest of the supplies are put back in their places.

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