So, checking back in with my Looking Back cardigan progress, I’ve almost finished knitting the sleeves. They have a lace detail down the entire length, and the pattern is pretty easily memorized. Once I finish knitting the sleeves, I should be able to pick up stitches and knit the button bands. I knew I was… Continue reading Sleeve work
Tag: Joji Locatelli
A ton of stockinette
Wanting to have a fairly simple, straightforward sweater project, I started Joji Locatelli’s Boxy sweater back in February. I decided to go with a Bluefaced Leicester yarn that I’ve used in a few other projects (including my other current sweater, Looking Back, which is also, interestingly enough, a Joji Locatelli pattern design). The great thing,… Continue reading A ton of stockinette
More cardigan knitting
In late December, I learned that a yarn I like was going to be discontinued. I had already been thinking about knitting the Looking Back cardigan, for which I had purchased the pattern in January 2015, using two lighter yarns held together instead of the called-for DK weight yarn. I like the way my No… Continue reading More cardigan knitting