Color Palette socks

I finally finished my color block socks, and I’m so pleased with how bright and cheerful they are. They almost beg to be worn with crop pants. The yellow looks like it doesn’t quite match up on both socks, but the yarn actually did a mirror image with the yellow and yellow/black.

Around the heel

I’ve finally rounded the heel on my Color Palette socks, and thus have two more colors in them. I think, based on my foot length, that I won’t be able to use all seven colors, but will need to stop at six for these, so that they won’t be too long. I thought about reducing… Continue reading Around the heel

Bright and colorful

I’ve started my new Color Palette socks, and they are so pretty already. I can’t wait to see how they look with all of the other colors added in. After knitting both socks in each color, I still have plenty to crochet a little granny square from the remaining yarns, so I’ll definitely do that… Continue reading Bright and colorful