As the designer has said multiple times in his videos on this mystery shawl, “Say yes, don’t stress, ” and “Embrace your pace.” I’m to the point where I have to do just that. Life happens, and other things come up, and I figured it was a fluke that I was able to complete week… Continue reading Clue 2, section 5
Straits blocks pieced
After a marathon piecing session, I’ve finally finished piecing the Straits of Mackinac blocks. Now I just need to get to piecing them to the sashing strips – getting closer!
I’ve often wanted to knit a pair of slippers, but so many other projects have taken precedence that I’d never gotten around to it. My grandmother made me a pair when I was a child/teen, and I wish I still had them, for sentimental value if I couldn’t wear them. An opportunity was presented to… Continue reading Slippers
Straits sashing strips
One more step done! I finally finished sewing together all of the sashing strips for my Straits of Mackinac quilt. I had about 5 units left over, so I’ll figure out something else to do with those eventually. Now I’ll get back to piecing together the blocks. There is a tiny little light at the… Continue reading Straits sashing strips
Two more blocks
I went ahead and put together the two additional blocks that I had cut out for what I’ve been calling the sunshine and shadow leaf pattern. I’m still not sure if this quilt block actually has a name, because I’ve looked online and in my Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, and I have not come… Continue reading Two more blocks