I wove in the ends and delivered the kerchief to its recipient yesterday morning. She really liked it!
Christmas Day start
I bought this chart in March and kit in May as a present for myself, but didn’t start it until today. I have admired this design ever since I first saw it years ago. I held off getting it for the longest time, because I felt I might not want to stitch what is essentially… Continue reading Christmas Day start
Working on hourglass units
I’m nearly to the halfway point of creating the hourglass units for clue 4. I have just a few more strips to cut into quarter-square triangles, piece together, then I can begin combining all the ones I’ve made into hourglass units. I’m using Bonnie’s Essential Triangle Tool ruler, which has quite literally become an essential… Continue reading Working on hourglass units
Quilt layout struggles
Even though I’m not through piecing all of the blocks for my leader-ender challenge quilt from last year, I’ve been struggling with how to arrange the blocks (sashing? if so, how big? no sashing? alternate blocks? if so, what kind of alternates?). The blocks themselves are 6-inch finished, which means that the layout I choose… Continue reading Quilt layout struggles
New fingerless gloves
CC has asked for a new pair of fingerless gloves. He has loved and nearly worn his first pair out. This pair will be a variegated gray, and I think it will look really nice on him. I made the first pair in 2016, using a black and gray variegated yarn, at his request. He… Continue reading New fingerless gloves