I figured it would not take much longer to finish the most recent Josephine shawl when I looked at the amount of yarn left to use, so I worked on it at the beginning of February and finished it Friday night. I gave it a good bath, laid it out flat to dry (I didn’t… Continue reading Josephine, finished
It’s a quilt top!
Over the weekend Amy Beth finished piecing her quilt top with the borders, and I think it is gorgeous. She is really pleased with it as well. We considered whether or not to add another (small) border, and while it might have been nice with that too, I agree with her – I prefer it… Continue reading It’s a quilt top!
Back from the Quilter
I picked up the Scrap Crystals quilt from my longarm quilter Saturday, and laid it out on the floor to show CC. Luke decided to try it out, and I think it’s pretty safe to say he loved it. It isn’t his, but he gives his stamp of approval. I’ll be binding it with a… Continue reading Back from the Quilter
Lighthouse update
Since I have worked on this project a bit since the last update, and it’s one that I’ll be focusing on this month, here’s a little update to show where I am at the beginning of the month. It’s coming along nicely.
My February projects
The numbers for February were announced on January 27, and they are 20 and 4. What does that mean for my focus projects this month? Cross Stitch and Needlework 4 is Lighthouse, and 20 is Chinese Dragon Gate, so it looks like it will be another interesting month. Lighthouse is a project I’ve been working… Continue reading My February projects