Over the last few weeks, I’ve slowly worked on piecing the rail fence round of the deconstructed disappearing pinwheel quilt. Over the weekend, I pieced the right and top sides Of the rail fence section to the middle. And today I took a vacation day and worked some more on it. I finished piecing the… Continue reading Rail fence round
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Apron pockets, flying geese
On Saturday Amy Beth came over to begin working on our aprons. I pulled all of my white and off-white prints out for her to choose the ones she wanted to use for her flying geese. Once that was done, I began cutting the pieces for those and the background triangles. While she pinned her… Continue reading Apron pockets, flying geese
End of Summer wreath
I’ve had the pieces for this almost ready to put together for at least 6 months now. Last night I finally decided it was time to finish the applique sewing and put it all together. I have made 5 others so far, and would like to make one or two others to have a nice… Continue reading End of Summer wreath
It seems like just a moment ago I was writing about the first of July. And in the blink of an eye, here’s August. It’s a surreal time. I’ve made some progress on my Quilt of Valor quilt. The center pinwheels section is finished. I created a mock-up of the quilt in my EQ software… Continue reading Pinwheels
Apron supplies shopping trip
We took a little shopping trip to Hobby Lobby Saturday, and found our primary fabrics, rick rack, buttons, and thread for making our aprons. Amy Beth couldn’t decide which fabric she wanted to use for the main apron, so she went ahead and got two (and maybe she’ll end up making two aprons, who knows?).… Continue reading Apron supplies shopping trip