After a week off, we met again to work on our aprons, and achieved gathering the apron, sewing it to the waistband. Instead of using the technique as directed in the pattern, my mom and my friend Sallie both recommended we try zigzagging over crochet thread (of which I have plenty!). It worked much better,… Continue reading Aprons with waistbands
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Let’s hear it for the red, white, and blue
My weekly apron sewing with my friend was cancelled this week, so I spent some time working on the Deconstructed Disappearing Pinwheel quilt top I’ve been piecing for a Quilts of Valor quilt. I finished it! I didn’t add any borders, and it is approximately 63″ x 74″. I found a really nice off-white fabric… Continue reading Let’s hear it for the red, white, and blue
My City Sampler
I thought it was high time I finally showed off my City Sampler quilt, finished. It’s actually on my bed right now. Here my husband is holding it up so you can see it – the quilting on it is perfect. Here it is on the design wall, when I had finished piecing it all… Continue reading My City Sampler
Well, I finally finished sewing together the hexies for the first of seven red blocks. My English Paper Piecing has been slow going this year, as with everything else it seems. I really like how this one looks, and know that it will nicely complement the quilt blocks I’ve already made when I add the… Continue reading Red!
Piecing round 3 of Unity
Part 3 involves a lot of small blocks, with a lot of small pieces. Because of other projects, I’ve put it aside for many months. But I have been itching to pull it back out, and I’ve decided to use it as a partial leader/ender project between sewing other blocks and pieces together. I like… Continue reading Piecing round 3 of Unity