After a marathon piecing session, I’ve finally finished piecing the Straits of Mackinac blocks. Now I just need to get to piecing them to the sashing strips – getting closer!
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Straits sashing strips
One more step done! I finally finished sewing together all of the sashing strips for my Straits of Mackinac quilt. I had about 5 units left over, so I’ll figure out something else to do with those eventually. Now I’ll get back to piecing together the blocks. There is a tiny little light at the… Continue reading Straits sashing strips
Two more blocks
I went ahead and put together the two additional blocks that I had cut out for what I’ve been calling the sunshine and shadow leaf pattern. I’m still not sure if this quilt block actually has a name, because I’ve looked online and in my Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, and I have not come… Continue reading Two more blocks
Red hexie block 5
Wow, 5 down, and just 2 to go! I’ve been working slowly on these at Sit and Sews or other get-togethers. Slow progress is still progress, and I’m sew close to having all of the blocks ready to put together.
Auditioning and changing
Sometimes, you have an idea of what colors and fabrics will work, and when you get it all cut out, you have to take a step back and make some adjustments. That’s what happened with this block. I picked out the fabrics above, starting with the homespun plaid. I made the units for that part… Continue reading Auditioning and changing