First border

Boom! The first border is a narrow (will finish 1 inch wide) frame, and already the quilt is, in my opinion, dramatically changed. The orange fabric (one of the oranges that is in the blocks) really highlights that element of the blocks, and makes them pop, in my opinion. More to come!

A ton of stockinette

Wanting to have a fairly simple, straightforward sweater project, I started Joji Locatelli’s Boxy sweater back in February. I decided to go with a Bluefaced Leicester yarn that I’ve used in a few other projects (including my other current sweater, Looking Back, which is also, interestingly enough, a Joji Locatelli pattern design). The great thing,… Continue reading A ton of stockinette

Around the heel

I’ve finally rounded the heel on my Color Palette socks, and thus have two more colors in them. I think, based on my foot length, that I won’t be able to use all seven colors, but will need to stop at six for these, so that they won’t be too long. I thought about reducing… Continue reading Around the heel