Another sweater cast on

I know I said that I still have yet to wash and block my Rhapsody in Cables. And I haven’t finished my other sweater yet (Affiknity). But I had planned to start Framed when I finished either Vellichor or Boxy or maybe even Looking Back. And I kept getting sidetracked by other projects.

Well, I decided to go ahead and cast on, and I’m already loving this project. Yes, it requires concentration. Yes, I’ve had to unknit half a round a few times because I got off-pattern. But I still love it, and love the colors.

Here the dark green color loos great with single skein of “Deep Bump” colorway

I’m using Elemental Affects Cormo Worsted as the contrast and “frame” and Spincycle Yarns Dream State for the color-changing complement. Originally, I was thinking of using the dark green color for the “frame” but when I got the rest of my yarn (I ordered from two different shops), and laid it out, the Spincycle seemed to go better with the teal.

But here the Deep Bump colorway (all 4 skeins) looks better with Pacific colorway (left)

The Cormo Worsted is a yarn I’ve used in one other colorwork sweater, Hiro. I knit it in 2015 and it has held up very well. It has had very little pilling, and feels very nice and sturdy.

Hiro, knit in 2015

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