Clue 5 finished

I recently bought a new ruler, made by the same company that makes the Tucker Trimmer (Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design). I love that ruler, especially for hourglass units. I used it to trim the ones we had back in clue 3, I think it was.

The new ruler is the Square Squared, and though it’s a little pricey, it’s a keeper for me. I made sure to cut the correct size for the inner square, but I oversized the triangles slightly that make the block, and then trimmed using this ruler. It really helped.

In sewing the first one, my seams were likely more a scant quarter inch than a regular quarter inch. With that one, my points will likely be slightly blunt when sewn into the quilt. I adjusted my seam sewing to make it slightly wider (a full quarter inch), and that did the trick. My points should be sharper when everything is pieced together.

I went into my scrap containers that are arranged by size and was able to pull out all of the dark brown squares and about half of the neutral ones. I cut the remaining neutral squares from strips I had in that size already. Major win for the scrap user’s system!

I love how these colors work together, and I’m happy with my substitutions. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next and how everything fits together in the final design. I’ve seen estimates (based on unit measurements and yardage used so far) that we’re over the halfway point. I don’t think we’ll see any string piecing in this one. But I’d love to be wrong!

1 comment

  1. Your colors are beautiful! I love the scrap user’s system also. Like you, I would LOVE to see some string sewing! I’ve already got my new string project picked out once I finish this clue and will be utilizing the reds and neutrals from this one.

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