A little knitting

I’ve been working steadily on several knitting projects, and these charity hats give me little happy dances every week or two.

I’ve picked a new favorite pattern recently, from the Knots of Love website – Cindy’s Cable Chemo Cap. This one is super easy to remember, and I love that the cable detail is within the ribbing of the hat. Depending on the yarn I use, I can usually get 2 hats out of a skein of yarn. Here’s a closeup of the second one from the gold (Okie Wheat colorway) skein. The yarn is called Rustic Romantic from Yarn Bee. It’s amazing how different the acrylic yarns feel and appear depending on how it is processed. This one looks like a wool, but it is acrylic with little bits of hemp, which give it a tweedy look.

And this yarn is 100% acrylic, but looks and feels a bit more like a cotton to me. This is Soft & Sleek, also from Yarn Bee, in the Mauve colorway

I found another pattern that I tried recently when our church was recently gifted with some yarn leftovers in addition to full skeins. Since most of our Dorcas class members usually work with full skeins when making hats, I decided to take up the challenge of finding a hat pattern that I could make with the leftovers. I now have a couple of patterns in my inventory, and I do believe this one is a success. Next time, though, I will probably go down a needle size for the ribbing (or up a needle size for the hat body, or maybe both). This is the Sunset Hat, and I had yarn leftovers in similar colors to the model hat for this version. I will be using all different colors for the rest of the hats I make in this pattern.

I have a couple of other nearly-finished knitting projects, which I just need to wash and block (and attach buttons for one). My Storm shawl just needs to have ends woven in, so I should have a photo for it soon.

My Looking Back cardigan is finished knitting and I’m looking for the right buttons for it now. I found two in my button jar, but unfortunately I needed 12, so these won’t work.

So I ordered some buttons from Amazon and I believe they will work. I soaked the sweater in a wool wash bath and it is currently drying on blocking boards.

And since I’ve finished (except for those buttons), I decided to start a new summer sweater – the Vellichor. I had the yarns in my stash (though I will need to replace a couple of the Knit Picks down heather [light gray] to finish my sock scraps granny square afghan). I can’t wait to see how this is going to look with the Crazy Zauberball as the contrast color, since it is a color shifting yarn.

I’m not sure how long this one will take because it is a light fingering yarn pattern, but hopefully it will be a rhythmic and easily memorized pattern.

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