Don’t put your knitting down in the middle of a row!

Else you might pay by having to unknit every one of the rows you knit that day, and possibly then some more.

Yep, I had knit around 7 or 8 rows, and had just started another one when I set it down. I thought I had pushed the needles up far enough past what I’d knit to keep those stitches secure, but nope!

And as this is lace knitting, it was virtually impossible for me to see to put those dropped stitches back in their correct locations as I found them and tried to rescue them back up to where they were supposed to be.

So I unknit (aka tink, or knit backwards), row by row until I was back where I’d began. Fortunately this time I didn’t have to go back farther, but it was a lesson I hope I learned well.

I think, though, this is pretty nice progress since January 1, given that I haven’t worked on it consistently since then. I am finally getting into the rhythm of the 32-row (!) pattern.

(previous progress photo)

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