Back to charity hats

I picked up a ball of Yarn Bee Soft and Sleek Prints a few months ago and chose this one to start my next round of charity hats. I really like the way this one turned out, with the self-striping/patterning being done by the yarn itself. I had just under half of the ball leftover, so I started a second hat with the remaining yarn. I plan to use a solid ivory color of the same yarn to finish it when I turn out.

Second hat mostly from remaining yarn ball

I tend to knit adult size hats, because you never know if they’ll be going to kids or teens. But I’ll probably work in a few kids hats now and then. I have a basic pattern I use from this yarn, cobbled together from a few different free patterns that I’ve found online – a cast-on from one pattern, a decrease/end from another pattern.

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