A ton of stockinette

Wanting to have a fairly simple, straightforward sweater project, I started Joji Locatelli’s Boxy sweater back in February. I decided to go with a Bluefaced Leicester yarn that I’ve used in a few other projects (including my other current sweater, Looking Back, which is also, interestingly enough, a Joji Locatelli pattern design).

439 grams in a single yarn cake in the colorway “Coffee Break”

The great thing, in my opinion, about this particular yarn is that it is dyed in a single, huge skein – what amounts to a little more than 4 normal 100g skeins in one. And that means that there is a single dye lot for the single skein. Oh, and for a small fee, they will wind it into a cake and mail it to you. Win, win, win.

So I began knitting. I chose to knit flat instead of in the round to reduce the chances of the colors pooling in odd clumps. I really think this is so lovely.

Knitting progress, side one, February 14, 2023

Then I knit, and knit, and knit some more. Of course I also knit on other projects, and I began to work on some quilting again, so my progress slowed down a bit. But I’m getting closer to being finished with the first side. I’ve marked for the armholes, and now just need to continue until I get to the neck/shoulders.

Side one progress as of June 14, 2023

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