More cardigan knitting

In late December, I learned that a yarn I like was going to be discontinued. I had already been thinking about knitting the Looking Back cardigan, for which I had purchased the pattern in January 2015, using two lighter yarns held together instead of the called-for DK weight yarn. I like the way my No Frills Sweater looks and feels using that combination, as well as my Burrow Wrap.

I found a wonderful combination of denim blues in the Shibui Knits Silk Cloud (the discontinued yarn) and Miss Babs Katahdin, skeins shown in the above photo.

The construction of this cardigan is started in a way that made me have to keep telling myself, “trust the pattern, do exactly what it tells you to do.” At the point in the next photo, I’d already broken and joined yarn a few times.

I kept following the instructions, and lo and behold it finally began to take the shape I was expecting.

I still have quite a bit of knitting to do, but I think I’m close to beginning the ribbing at the bottom of the cardigan.

The back is actually where the cardigan buttons together, hence the name “Looking Back”. The front is where the lacy pretty part lives. Of course, you could wear it like a normal cardigan, but I think the neckline might be a bit awkward, as the back is meant to be higher and the front lower, like a regular scoop next sweater. Isn’t the color pretty? It feels so nice and soft, too. The combination of a fingering weight Bluefaced Leicester wool yarn and a lace weight mohair/silk blend yarn is really nice. The mohair does not obscure the lace pattern on the front much, if at all.

I would like to finish this one by the end of the year, but I’m taking my time, and it will get done when it gets done. I actually have several sweaters in progress, along with everything else, and I haven’t been focused on anyone in particular – just when I’m in the mood for them.

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