Chilhowie, part five

In part five, we cut some additional strips and squares, and then pieced the interiors of our blocks. I love, love, love how my color choices are looking at this point. I am not a super fan of the brighter aquas, oranges, and purples that Bonnie chose, but the more muted tones make me very happy.

I really wanted to see how part six would look, so I took the pieces and put them together. And I had to take them apart and piece them again, because I had pieced them together upside down. That should have been a sign to me at the time, but I forged ahead. And I really think it loses something when these pieces are added.

The original, beautiful, delicate block gets lost inside the larger (and in my opinion, clunky) pieces. Sorry, but I’m just not a fan. So it’s back to the drawing board (Electric Quilt) to see what I need to do to allow the interior block shine.

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