Jellyfish bloom

This bloom uses mostly prints from the 2018 Zuma collection. The center hexagon is the only one from a different collection. That is the Hex Box print (olive colorway) from 2011’s Prince Charming. In 2014, I was able to snag just a few 5-inch pieces of some of Tula’s older collections in a “City Sampler starter pack” that was, at that time, available on

Since I had already cut out and basted all of the pieces, I decided to go ahead and make this bloom, even though I was thinking I probably wouldn’t be able to use it in the quilt since I’ve moved so much around.

Then I got to looking at the design wall.

I moved the third row, third bloom to the left one position (now it’s in the second position), and put the jellyfish bloom in its place. Well, I’ll be darned. I can use it after all!

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