Failure to read directions

Does that ever happen to you? It seems to happen to me a lot more frequently than I would like or think it would. But even when I think I’m reading the directions fairly thoroughly, I often miss important steps.

Years ago, I might have just cried and thrown out the project. More recently, I might put a project in time-out for a while. But I’m going to go ahead and just re-start the project from the beginning.

So what did I do wrong this time? Well, a non-knitter might not have even noticed it, but I did, and it bugged me. When I put in each of the short row increases for the back of my sweater (not shown – photo is of sweater front), I only put them in for half of the required stitches. In particular, the right side of the back. I missed the part where I was supposed to repeat for the other side of the marker.

I just happened to be curious about seeing those extra stitches on the back when I noticed my mistake. I had just separated for the sleeves, so it was pretty obvious to me once I could properly see the back and front instead of just an expanding tube. So when I looked, the right half of the sweater back had extra rows, but the left half did not. It isn’t glaring, but it is noticeable to someone who knows what they’re looking for, and I think more importantly, it would affect the fit of the sweater.

Oh well, I’m getting in some good knitting practice, right?

Try, try again

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