More kitties in quilts

Well, I managed to finish the last block for the two rows I’ve been working on. This one uses the Disco Kitty print (Marmalade Skies colorway) from the Tabby Road fabric line of 2017.

And I finished sewing the blocks into two rows. These rows won’t be adjacent in the quilt, I just threw them up on the design wall to take a photo.

There is a lot more pink than the “pink to red” shift I think I originally intended, but that’s okay. I’m glad to be done with pinks for the moment. I’ve had a lot of them lately with Rhododendron Trail and then jumping back into this quilt.

I think for the rest of the rows (4 more to go), I’m going to make all of the blocks first. Then I’ll arrange them and put them in the order they’re supposed to go. I can tell I’m already getting fatigue on this quilt. I’m ready to be finished piecing. Can you believe I’m thinking of quilting it myself? I have multiple other quilts waiting to be quilted by me, and here I am thinking of adding another to the stack.

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