Wild Vines PV block

Mid-week I was able to work on another set of blocks for my Peaks and Valleys quilt. This block uses the Wild Vines print (Sorbet colorway) from the Chipper fabric line of 2016.

I have to be really careful about getting everything the right direction so I don’t have too much on-bias unsewing to do. I’m going a little slower than usual assembling these blocks, trying to be very deliberate with each step.

And so, once I sewed this block together, I went ahead and sewed it to the next block in the row. I’ve realized that I probably should have waited to start sewing these together, because I’d like to have the directional prints all going the same way and in the same order. However, I didn’t, and I’m not unsewing the first ones I did, so I’ll just have one set of pinks out of order slightly.

This row with the half block is correct, although I think it might have been better if I’d decided to make the half-blocks with the lighter pink Bees Knees print. I’m not re-doing it, but I’m not sure what my thinking was originally when I pulled the fabrics and cut them for the pink-to-red shift rows.

Row with half-blocks, left to right will be the pink to red shift

This next row with full blocks had to be re-ordered in order to put the blocks right side up after I’d started sewing them together (and not paying attention to the order they needed to be, which is reverse from the one with half-blocks). It may not seem very apparent at first, but the Wild Vines and Sprout prints (left and middle) are directional.

Row with full blocks, left to right will be the red to pink shift

I don’t think it will be noticeable to anyone but me, but this shows how much closer I need to pay attention to the rest of the blocks when sewing everything together.

After this, I’m going to need to sew a quilt that requires a lot less thinking and planning, LOL!

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