All blocks complete

I finally finished all of the Off the Trail blocks and added sashing to all the appropriate ones. And then I realized why I don’t like adding the sashing this way. It makes seams run in the same direction as opposed to opposite directions, which makes nesting seams when sewing them all together kind of a pain. I end up nesting them, then clipping the seams to make them lie flat.

I just received word that my Straits of Mackinac is ready to pick up from the longarmer, so I plan to go pick it up on Saturday. Can I possibly get this all pieced together in time to drop off then too? The challenge is on (and it’s definitely a challenge since I still work full-time). I might get a chance to sew on it again Thursday and Friday – we’ll see!

Edited to add: I posted my nesting seams quandary on Instagram with the same photo, and someone commented that they should nest together. It made me go back and look at the pieces again. And she was correct – the way I have them oriented, they should nest together – if I had begun piecing them in columns instead of rows. It was a long day, and something I should have considered, but I just kept sewing regardless. I’ll do that with the last two rows that I have, so at least that small set of seams should be easier to sew. Good grief Charlie Brown!


  1. Beautiful ending to a mystery quilt. I too have all the blocks finished in the Rhododendron Trail. I was going to add green instead of the blue.
    Your new block adds extra dimension to the pattern. Going back to the blocks and try your block with it. Thanks.

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