I’ve finally made sure I’ve got all of the pieces I need for parts two and three of the Rhododendron Trail mystery quilt cut. I don’t know why, but it seems like (these days), I always miscount how many I need by about half. Then I have to go back and cut more once I begin sewing and realize I’m not going to have what’s called for in the pattern.
I did that with the pinks in part two (above).
Then I did that again with the backgrounds (light neutrals) for part three.

Part three builds actually on part one. I was able to take these two parts to Sit n Sew at another quilt group Saturday and get all of Part two pieced (but not yet all pressed), and half of Part three pieced.
Then on Sunday afternoon, I worked on cutting the rest of the triangles I will need to finish out Part three. No sewing there yet. Maybe when I’m off this Friday. Last Friday was spent taking all of the kitties for their annual checkups. But this Friday, I may have time to sew. We’ll see how the week goes. Plans are rarely set in stone around here.