Straits interior pieced

I worked on piecing together the rows of my Straits of Mackinac quilt, and I’m happy to finally say the interior is done. Now all I have to do is finish those borders and then piece them together with this section and she’ll be done. I’ll probably wait until after the holidays before taking her to my longarm quilter. But I’d really like to get this completely finished before the Rhododendron Trail starts (this year’s Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt).

Oh for Pete’s sake. I’ve just realized that I pieced every one of my sashing sections different from the pattern. I am not ripping everything apart – it will be a design modification/choice for me. The border triangles next to the interior of the quilt design may look just a bit weird, but they’re not coming apart again either – I’ve put way too much time into this and I’m ready to be done. It will be for me, and I can totally live with it.


    1. Thank you! I can’t get over how complicated this one has been. I think I’ve also learned that I prefer making quilts with more than 2 distinct colors (or more than one plus a background). Even though this has a spectrum of turquoise and aquas (and even a few greenish and purplish hues), it reads as one color. I need more crayon colors in my box! 🙂

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