Cutting for days

I really want to get the cutting part of my Straits of Mackinac quilt finished so I can concentrate on piecing (and put away the gobs and gobs of fabric pieces that are currently strewn around the sewing room!).

On Sunday I managed to get almost half of the “recs” pairs I need to have cut for the smaller (almost miniature) triangle-in-a-square units that make up so much of the sashing.

I will also need to cut a ton of triangles for these, but before I can do that, I’ll need to sew some more scraps together. The triangles are also pieced, but fortunately I can do a lot of them with just two pieces of fabric, even though some will be made of more 3 or more string pieces – leftovers from the larger triangles in squares.

I really do think this quilt is one of, if not the most challenging quilts I’ve made, and that is actually saying a lot — I’ve made a drunkard’s path, a double wedding ring, Edyta Sitar’s Eldon (with all the Y-seams). The sheer number of pieces is in this quilt incredible, and I’m not even really talking about the string pieced parts.

I just can’t wait to start seeing it come together.

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