Just quilt it

Back in early March, I basted CC’s Replicator Racing quilt. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to quilt it, and I told myself I needed to “practice.” Then I put it away to focus on other projects.

I was reminded of it over the weekend, when another quilt needed to be washed, but it really needs to be re-quilted. I had done minimal quilting on it, hadn’t done bias binding, and the backing was really separating from the rest of the quilt.

Anyway, while that quilt is in time-out for repair, I thought I would go ahead and get this one quilted. I had a little chat with myself, because I really do have this “my domestic machine quilting isn’t perfect, so it’s not good enough yet” mental roadblock.

I went ahead and started with the sashing. Now to get moving on the rest of it and get this quilt finished!

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