Just a tad overambitious

When I started participating in WIPGO 2021 this year, I thought it was a good idea to do it for three separate categories. I should have known better. As my dad used to tell me, my eyes are bigger than my belly.

My use of the “bingo” system was primarily intended to get me to touch WIPs that haven’t seen progress in a long time, and I still like that. I’ve actually finished several older projects too, which is really great.

However, I think I’m going to amend my plans. After all, they are my plans, and I’m the only person affected by them.

I’m going to use the WIPGO number calls as suggestions each month, but if I don’t get a chance to work on a particular project, that’s totally okay, no guilt. I’m also going to re-do my quilt board because the machine quilting practice just isn’t working as I’d originally hoped. Maybe when I retire!

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