Placemats finished

Well that didn’t go as I’d planned… and by that I mean that I’d planned to finish all four placemats with a single binding. I thought I found a fabric that would go well with both sides (a grey Grunge). It looks pretty good with the blue side, but the contrast is just a little dark with the rose/wine side. So I decided to try a fabric I forgot I had in stash. And what looked like it might work really well on the bolt just reads a little too light to me on that rose/wine side again. It’s not terrible on the blue side, but it doesn’t look as nice as the first grey fabric.

Rose/wine side, first and second binding fabrics
Blue side, first and second binding fabrics

So I decided to pull out some more stash to see if anything would work. Honestly, I didn’t want to rip out the binding from either of the placemats I’ve finished. I thought about it, and since I’ve done it for my Autumn/Christmas placemats, I decided to use 2 more different fabrics, one on each of the remaining placemats.

Rose/wine side, third and fourth binding fabrics
Blue side, third and fourth binding fabrics

I am happiest with the fourth binding fabric. Each of the third and fourth binding fabrics was only about a fat quarter in my stash (from many years ago), so I couldn’t have used them for all of the placemats anyway. Both the third and fourth bindings have a little bit of blue and red in them, and I think that is key to them being my favorites of all. Regardless, they brighten my dining room table now, and I am pleased!

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