Puppy pullovers

In March of this year, just after the tornado that ripped through a path along Interstate 40, damaging and destroying many businesses including “our” Panera, and before so many other businesses were shut down in response to the Covid-19 panic, our Runaway group met for lunch. We usually shared what we’ve been working on, and it was during this get-together that our friend Ariel did some serious enabling. She had gotten several kits from Kitterly (new to both of us), and I was so impressed with some of them that I wanted to make them myself.

One of the patterns was the One and Done shawl, which I completed pretty quickly. Another was the Puppy Pullover, which just looked too cute. I don’t have dogs, but my parents do (2 sweet little Yorkies), so I thought I’d make them each a sweater.

I started the first one and got quite a bit of it knitted, but then got distracted by a million other things. I finally finished that one and it didn’t take much longer to finish the second. The longer one is for Karlie, and the shorter one is for Marlie, who is a little smaller. If I get a photo of them wearing them, I’ll update this post.

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