Frolic finished

I’ve been meaning to post a photo of Frolic since I finally finished sewing the binding on. It has been sitting in my sewing room patiently waiting for me to do that, and at the November Runaway Girls meeting, I brought it along and Sallie and I sat and sewed binding on our quilts for several hours. It was much nicer than sewing alone! Now I’m well and truly ready for the 2020 mystery. First clue drops the Friday after Thanksgiving, and that will be like an early Christmas present for me. I can’t wait!


  1. What a great way to start the new mystery season! That looks beautiful and I bet you’ve already had a good snuggle with it. Also enjoyed seeing your fabric pulls for the new mystery. I hope to get to both of those at some point but need to get some prior ones to a finish first!

    1. When I took it to my quilter, I hadn’t picked out the backing fabric yet. She had a couple of cotton sateen fabrics in stock, and one was perfect for this – it is SO soft, so yes, I’ve had a good snuggle. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your finishes in the near future!

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